Source code for krakenexapi.exceptions

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[docs]class KrakenExAPIError(Exception): """Generic error."""
[docs]class APIRateLimitExceeded(KrakenExAPIError): """API Error: ``EAPI:Rate limit exceeded``."""
[docs]class APIArgumentUsageError(KrakenExAPIError, ValueError): """Error from Kraken API if arguments incorrectly supplied or used or values not supported. API Error: ``EGeneral:Invalid arguments`` """
[docs]class NoPrivateKey(KrakenExAPIError): """Thrown if trying to use a private Kraken Exchange API without a private key."""
[docs]class NoSuchAPIMethod(KrakenExAPIError): """Error thrown if trying to use an invalid API method."""
[docs]class APIPermissionDenied(KrakenExAPIError): """Error when trying to call API methods without given permission. API Error: ``EGeneral:Permission denied`` """
[docs]class APIInvalidNonce(KrakenExAPIError): """Error when trying to call API methods concurrently or out of order. Nonce will no be monotonic, so API throws error. API Error: ``EAPI:Invalid nonce`` """
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