Source code for krakenexapi.wallet

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from typing import ClassVar
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Set
from typing import Union

from .api import BasicKrakenExAPI
from .api import BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods
from .api import BasicKrakenExAPIPublicMethods
from .api import gather_ledgers
from .api import gather_trades

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# see:
# -
# -

#: Lookup of currency name to symbol and short description.
#: Notes
#: -----
#: Extracted from
#: `Kraken Cryptocurrencies <>`_
#: help page on 2021-01-02.
    # fist currencies
    "AUD": {"name": "Australian Dollar", "letter": "A$"},
    "CAD": {"name": "Canadian Dollar", "letter": "C$"},
    "CHF": {"name": "Swiss Franc", "letter": "Fr."},
    "EUR": {"name": "Euro", "letter": "€"},
    "GBP": {"name": "Pound Sterling", "letter": "£"},
    "JPY": {"name": "Japanese Yen)", "letter": "¥"},
    "USD": {"name": "US Dollar", "letter": "$"},
    # crypto currencies
    "AAVE": {"name": "Aave", "letter": "Å"},
    "ALGO": {"name": "Algorand", "letter": "Ⱥ"},
    "ANT": {"name": "Aragon", "letter": "ȁ"},
    "REP": {"name": "Augur", "letter": "Ɍ"},
    "REPV2": {"name": "Augur v2", "letter": "ɍ"},
    "BAT": {"name": "Basic Attention Token", "letter": "⟁"},
    "BAL": {"name": "Balancer", "letter": "ᙖ"},
    "XBT": {"name": "Bitcoin", "letter": "₿"},
    "BCH": {"name": "Bitcoin Cash", "letter": "฿"},
    "ADA": {"name": "Cardano", "letter": "₳"},
    "LINK": {"name": "Chainlink", "letter": "⬡"},
    "COMP": {"name": "Compound", "letter": "Ꮯ"},
    "ATOM": {"name": "Cosmos", "letter": "⚛"},
    "CRV": {"name": "Curve", "letter": "ᑕ"},
    "DAI": {"name": "Dai*", "letter": "⬙"},
    "DASH": {"name": "Dash", "letter": "Đ"},
    "MANA": {"name": "Decentraland", "letter": "Ɯ"},
    "XDG": {"name": "Dogecoin", "letter": "Ð"},
    "EOS": {"name": "EOS", "letter": "Ȅ"},
    "ETH": {"name": 'Ethereum ("Ether")', "letter": "Ξ"},
    "ETH2": {"name": "Ethereum 2", "letter": "Ξ"},  # TODO: inofficial
    "ETC": {"name": "Ethereum Classic", "letter": "ξ"},
    "FIL": {"name": "Filecoin", "letter": "ƒ"},
    "GNO": {"name": "Gnosis", "letter": "Ğ"},
    "ICX": {"name": "ICON", "letter": "𝗜"},
    "KAVA": {"name": "Kava", "letter": "Ҝ"},
    "KEEP": {"name": "Keep Network", "letter": "ķ"},
    "KSM": {"name": "Kusama", "letter": "Ķ"},
    "KNC": {"name": "Kyber Network", "letter": "Ƙ"},
    "LSK": {"name": "Lisk", "letter": "Ⱡ"},
    "LTC": {"name": "Litecoin", "letter": "Ł"},
    "MLN": {"name": "Melon", "letter": "M"},
    "XMR": {"name": "Monero", "letter": "ɱ"},
    "NANO": {"name": "Nano", "letter": "𝑁"},
    "OMG": {"name": "OmiseGO", "letter": "Ŏ"},
    "OXT": {"name": "Orchid", "letter": "Ö"},
    "PAXG": {"name": "PAX Gold", "letter": "ⓟ"},
    "DOT": {"name": "Polkadot", "letter": "●"},
    "QTUM": {"name": "Qtum", "letter": "ℚ"},
    "XRP": {"name": "Ripple", "letter": "Ʀ"},
    "SC": {"name": "Siacoin", "letter": "S"},
    "XLM": {"name": "Stellar Lumens", "letter": "*"},
    "STORJ": {"name": "Storj", "letter": "Ŝ"},
    "SNX": {"name": "Synthetix", "letter": "Š"},
    "TBTC": {"name": "tBTC", "letter": "Ţ"},
    "USDT": {"name": "Tether (Omni Layer, ERC20)*", "letter": "₮"},
    "XTZ": {"name": "Tezos", "letter": "ꜩ"},
    "GRT": {"name": "The Graph", "letter": "⌗"},
    "TRX": {"name": "Tron", "letter": "Ť"},
    "UNI": {"name": "Uniswap", "letter": "Ǖ"},
    "USDC": {"name": "USD Coin*", "letter": "ⓒ"},
    "WAVES": {"name": "WAVES", "letter": "♦"},
    "YFI": {"name": "Yearn Finance", "letter": "Ƴ"},
    "ZEC": {"name": "Zcash", "letter": "ⓩ"},

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Currency: """Immutable singleton currency info dataclass. Raises ------ AssertionError If trying to create a new `Currency` *singleton* instance with an already registered `symbol` identifier. """ #: Currency symbol used by Kraken Exchange. symbol: str #: Alternative currency symbol. (can be same as `symbol`, often without *X*/*Z* prefix) name: str #: Number of decimals used in computation (precision). decimals: int #: Number of decimals displayed to user. display_decimals: int #: Optional. Currency symbol/glyph. letter: Optional[str] = None #: Optional. Short currency description/name. description: Optional[str] = None #: Internal. Lookup of currency to instance. __currencies: ClassVar[Dict[str, "Currency"]] = dict() def __post_init__(self): symbol = self.symbol.upper() name = assert symbol not in self.__class__.__currencies self.__class__.__currencies[symbol] = self if name != symbol: assert name not in self.__class__.__currencies self.__class__.__currencies[name] = self name = name.split(".", 1)[0] # assign currency symbols if name in CURRENCY_SYMBOLS: object.__setattr__(self, "letter", CURRENCY_SYMBOLS[name]["letter"]) object.__setattr__(self, "description", CURRENCY_SYMBOLS[name]["name"]) else: # FLOW, FLOWH, FEE # raise RuntimeError(f"New currencies to Kraken Exchange added? - {name}") pass # -------------------------------- @property def is_fiat(self) -> bool: """Returns :obj:`True` if currency is fiat, :obj:`False` if crypto. Returns ------- bool :obj:`True` if fiat currency. """ return self.symbol[0].upper() == "Z" @property def is_staked_onchain(self) -> bool: """On-chain staked currency. Returns ------- bool """ return self.symbol.endswith(".S") @property def is_staked_offchain(self) -> bool: """Off-chain staked currency. Returns ------- bool """ return self.symbol.endswith(".M") @property def is_staked(self) -> bool: """Is a currency, staked on Kraken Exchange. Returns ------- bool """ return self.is_staked_onchain or self.is_staked_offchain # --------------------------------
[docs] def format_value(self, value: float) -> str: """Formats a given `value` according to the `display_decimals` of the currency. If a currency symbol/letter exists, append it. Parameters ---------- value : float The value to be formatted. Returns ------- str Formatted string. """ return f"{value:.{self.display_decimals}f}{self.letter or ''}"
[docs] def round_value(self, value: float) -> float: """Round a given `value` to the maximum number of digits as specified in `decimals` of the currency. Parameters ---------- value : float Number to be rounded. Returns ------- float Number rounded to `decimals` digits. """ return round(value, self.decimals)
# --------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def find(cls, symbol: str) -> "Currency": """Finds the singleton instance of the currency described by the `symbol` (Kraken Exchange identifier) string. Returns ------- krakenexapi.wallet.Currency Currency singleton instance. Raises ------ KeyError If no `Currency` exists for the `symbol`. """ return cls.__currencies[symbol.upper()]
[docs] @classmethod def all_symbols(cls, unique: bool = True) -> Set[str]: """Return a list of all instanciated `Currency` symbols. This allows the retrieval of all `Currency` instances via :meth:`find` (with/without) duplicates. Parameters ---------- unique : bool, optional Whethere the list of symbols allows for duplicate when used for retrieval, or not, by default True (no duplicates) Returns ------- Set[str] Currency symbol names (used on Kraken Exchange) """ if not unique: return set(cls.__currencies.keys()) return {c.symbol.upper() for c in cls.__currencies.values()}
# --------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_api(cls, api: BasicKrakenExAPIPublicMethods): """Uses the `api` to query a list of all currencies on Kraken Exchange and builds singleton instances for each of it. Parameters ---------- api : BasicKrakenExAPIPublicMethods An API that allows to query public Kraken Exchange endpoints. """ data = api.get_asset_info() for symbol, info in data.items(): _ = cls( symbol=symbol, name=info["altname"], decimals=info["decimals"], display_decimals=info["display_decimals"], )
# --------------------------------
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class CurrencyPair: """Immutable singleton currency trading pair info dataclass. Raises ------ AssertionError If trying to create a new `CurrencyPair` *singleton* instance with an already registered `symbol` identifier. """ #: Trading pair symbol (used on Kraken Exchange) symbol: str #: Alternative name for trading pair. altname: str #: Visual name (human readable). name: str pair_decimals: int #: Base currency base: Currency #: Quote currency, determines value/price for `base` currency. quote: Currency #: Minimum amount of `base` currency for a new order. ordermin: Optional[float] = None #: Internal. Registered `CurrencyPair` singletons. __currency_pairs: ClassVar[Dict[str, "CurrencyPair"]] = dict() def __post_init__(self): symbol = self.symbol.upper() altname = self.altname.upper() assert symbol not in self.__class__.__currency_pairs self.__class__.__currency_pairs[symbol] = self if altname != symbol: assert altname not in self.__class__.__currency_pairs self.__class__.__currency_pairs[altname] = self # -------------------------------- @property def is_fiat2crypto(self) -> bool: """Trading pair between crypto and fiat currency. Returns ------- bool """ return not self.base.is_fiat and self.quote.is_fiat @property def is_crypto2crypto(self) -> bool: """Trading pair between two crypto currencies. Returns ------- bool """ return not self.base.is_fiat and not self.quote.is_fiat @property def is_fiat2fiat(self) -> bool: """Trading pair between two fiat currencies. Returns ------- bool """ return self.base.is_fiat and self.quote.is_fiat # --------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def find(cls, symbol: str) -> "CurrencyPair": """Find the singleton `CurrencyPair` instance for the given `symbol` names. (as used on Kraken Exchange) Returns ------- krakenexapi.wallet.CurrencyPair The `CurrencyPair` singleton instance. Raises ------ KeyError If no `CurrencyPair` exists for the `symbol`. """ return cls.__currency_pairs[symbol.upper()]
[docs] @classmethod def all_symbols(cls, unique: bool = True) -> Set[str]: """Return a list of `symbol` for all registered `CurrencyPair` instances. Parameters ---------- unique : bool, optional Whether the list should contain all registered `symbol` and `name`, or just enough to allow retrieval of all singleton instances, by default True Returns ------- Set[str] List of currency pair symbols. (used on Kraken Exchange) """ if not unique: return set(cls.__currency_pairs.keys()) return {c.symbol.upper() for c in cls.__currency_pairs.values()}
# --------------------------------
[docs] @classmethod def build_from_api(cls, api: BasicKrakenExAPIPublicMethods): """Build a list of `CurrencyPair` and optionally `Currency` singleton instances. Uses the public Kraken Exchange API to retrieve a list of all available currency trading pairs and build instances for each of it. Parameters ---------- api : BasicKrakenExAPIPublicMethods An API object that allows querying the public Kraken Exchange endpoints. """ # TODO: check if currencies preloaded! if not Currency.all_symbols(): Currency.build_from_api(api) pairs = api.get_asset_pairs() for symbol, info in pairs.items(): base_cur = Currency.find(info["base"]) quote_cur = Currency.find(info["quote"]) _ = cls( symbol=symbol, altname=info["altname"], name=info.get("wsname", info["altname"]), base=base_cur, quote=quote_cur, ordermin=info.get("ordermin", None), pair_decimals=info["pair_decimals"], )
# -------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class TradingTransaction: """A trading transaction. Subclasses should be used to mark *buy* / *sell* type. """ #: Currency pair, of base and quote currency. #: `quote` currency determines the price. `base` is the currency being traded. currency_pair: CurrencyPair # #: Type of transaction, ``buy`` or ``sell``. # ttype: str #: Price of (crypto) currency. price: float #: Amount of currency. amount: float #: Cost of `base` currency #: (:attr:`~krakenexapi.wallet.TradingTransaction.currency_pair`) #: in `quote` currency. cost: float #: Fees for transactions, in `quote` currency. fees: float # infos from orders / transactions / ledgers #: Timestamp of transaction. timestamp: datetime #: Transaction ID. txid: str #: Optional. Order ID associated with transaction. otxid: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None @property def base_currency(self) -> Currency: """Base currency being traded. Returns ------- Currency """ return self.currency_pair.base @property def quote_currency(self) -> Currency: """Quote currency. Determines the price and value of the `base_currency` currency. Returns ------- Currency """ return self.currency_pair.quote
[docs]class CryptoBuyTransaction(TradingTransaction): """Crypto currency buy transaction."""
[docs]class CryptoSellTransaction(TradingTransaction): """Crypto currency sell transaction."""
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class FundingTransaction: """A funding transaction. Subclasses show whether it is a ``deposit`` or ``withdrawal``. """ #: Currency. currency: Currency # #: Transaction type, ``deposit`` or ``funding`` # ftype: str #: Amount of currency in transaction. amount: float #: Timestamp of transaction. timestamp: datetime #: Fees for transaction. fees: float = 0.0 #: Ledger ID. #: (more exact than timestamp if used in API queries) lxid: Optional[Union[float, int, str]] = None
[docs]class DepositTransaction(FundingTransaction): """Deposit transaction of (fiat) currency to Kraken Exchange."""
[docs]class WithdrawalTransaction(FundingTransaction): """Withdrawal transaction from the Kraken Exchange."""
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # basic assumptions # - no margin / leverage # - dead simple - fiat<->crypto trading only # - aka spot-trading
[docs]class Asset: """Wrapper around a `Currency` and `api` for easy asset win/loss computation. """ def __init__( self, currency: Currency, api: BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods, quote_currency: Optional[Currency] = None, ): self.__currency = currency self.__quote_currency = quote_currency self.__amount: float = 0.0 self.__transactions: List[TradingTransaction] = list() self.__last_txid: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None self.__api = api self._update() # -------------------------------- def _update(self): # query ledgers from api txs = Wallet.build_trading_transactions(self.__api, self.__last_txid, sort=True) # TODO: always fo update of balsnce? if not txs: return # update last txid self.__last_txid = txs[-1].txid # filter transactions txs = [t for t in txs if t.currency_pair.base == self.__currency] known_txids = {t.txid for t in self.__transactions} txs = [t for t in txs if t.txid not in known_txids] self.__transactions.extend(txs) if txs: self.__transactions[:] = sorted( self.__transactions, key=lambda t: t.timestamp ) # update amount # NOTE: that amount from transactions and from account_balance will # differ! balances = self.__api.get_account_balance() self.__amount = balances.get(self.__currency.symbol, 0.0) @property def has_transactions(self) -> bool: """Return :obj:`True` if the :attr:`currency` has transactions. Returns ------- bool :obj:`True` if transactions exist. """ return bool(self.__transactions) # -------------------------------- @property def currency(self) -> Currency: """The asset currency. Returns ------- Currency """ return self.__currency @property def amount(self) -> float: """Amount of :attr:`currency` the user has on Kraken Exchange since the last update. Returns ------- float Amount of currency. """ return self.__amount # -------------------------------- # TODO: check and compute for all transactions quote currency values to # selected quote currency!! # NOTE: transfer transactions (aka staking) can be ignored? # --> we query amount, staking has no fees(?), nothing to do with fiat? @property def amount_buy(self) -> float: """Total amount of :attr:`currency` being bought. Retrieved from API via transactions. Returns ------- float total amount of currency bought. """ return sum( t.amount for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, CryptoBuyTransaction) ) @property def amount_sell(self) -> float: """Total amount of :attr:`currency` being sold. Retrieved from API via transactions. Returns ------- float total amount of currency sold. """ return sum( t.amount for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, CryptoSellTransaction) ) @property def amount_by_transactions(self) -> float: """Total of bought (:attr:`amount_buy`) and sold (:attr:`amount_sell`) amount. Returns ------- float Amount of currency just by buy/sell transactions. Notes ----- .. math:: amount = amount_{buy} - amount_{sell} """ return self.amount_buy - self.amount_sell @property def amount_staked(self) -> float: raise NotImplementedError() @property def amount_unstaked(self) -> float: raise NotImplementedError() @property def amount_stake_rewards(self) -> float: raise NotImplementedError() @property def amount_by_transfers(self) -> float: raise NotImplementedError() @property def price_buy_avg(self) -> float: """Average price of all *buy* transactions. Returns ------- float average buy price Notes ----- Price calculation .. math:: price_{buy} = \\frac{\\sum cost_{buy}}{\\sum amount_{buy}} """ txs = [t for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, CryptoBuyTransaction)] if not txs: return float("nan") # price * amount = cost # price = cost / amount return sum([t.cost for t in txs]) / sum([t.amount for t in txs]) @property def price_sell_avg(self) -> float: """Average price of all *sell* transactions. Returns ------- float average sell price See also -------- price_buy_avg """ txs = [t for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, CryptoSellTransaction)] if not txs: return float("nan") return sum([t.cost for t in txs]) / sum([t.amount for t in txs]) @property def price_avg(self) -> float: """Average price based on :attr:`cost` by transaction and current :attr:`amount`. Returns ------- float average price See also -------- cost, amount """ return -self.cost / self.amount
[docs] def price_for_noloss(self, fees_sell: float = 0.26) -> float: """Minimum price that should be used for *sell* if no loss should be incurred. Prices larger than the noloss price will be wins. Parameters ---------- fees_sell : float, optional Kraken Exchange *sell* fees, by default 0.26 (maximum for market orders) Returns ------- float noloss price (based on quote currency) Note ---- Current computation may not be completely correct but should be rather close. **Please** verify manually! (e.g. adjust price ±5%) .. math:: price_{no loss} = price_{avg} * \\frac{1 + fees_{total}}{1 - fees_{sell}} with :math:`fees_{total}` being all fees incurred through transactions See also -------- price_avg, fees_percentage """ fees_sum = self.fees_percentage assert 0 <= fees_sum <= 0.26 return self.price_avg * ((1 + fees_sum / 100) / (1 - fees_sell / 100))
@property def cost_buy(self) -> float: """Sum of costs of *buy* transactions, based on `quote` currency. Returns ------- float total costs of buy transactions (without fees) """ txs = [t for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, CryptoBuyTransaction)] return sum([t.cost for t in txs]) @property def cost_sell(self) -> float: """Sum of costs of *sell* transactions, based on `quote` currency. Returns ------- float total costs of sell transactions (without fees) """ txs = [t for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, CryptoSellTransaction)] return sum([t.cost for t in txs]) @property def cost(self) -> float: """Total costs computed by :attr:`cost_buy` and :attr:`cost_sell`. So, only costs computed by transactions. Negative costs means that costs of *buy* is higher than *sell*, positive costs means the opposite. (Positive costs would mean a win based on transactions alone.) Returns ------- float Difference of costs for *buy* and *sell* Notes ----- .. math:: cost = - cost_{buy} + cost_{sell} See also -------- cost_buy, cost_sell fees """ return -self.cost_buy + self.cost_sell @property def fees_buy(self) -> float: """Fees incurred by *buy* transactions. Returns ------- float total sum of fees """ txs = [t for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, CryptoBuyTransaction)] return sum([t.fees for t in txs]) @property def fees_sell(self) -> float: """Fees incurred by *sell* transactions. Returns ------- float total sum of fees """ txs = [t for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, CryptoSellTransaction)] return sum([t.fees for t in txs]) @property def fees(self) -> float: """Total sum of fees for both *buy* and *sell* transactions. Returns ------- float total sum of fees See also -------- fees_buy, fees_sell fees_percentage """ return sum([t.fees for t in self.__transactions]) @property def fees_percentage(self) -> float: """Percentage of fees compared to costs, of transactions. Returns ------- float fee percentage, see Kraken Exchange fees Notes ----- .. math:: fees_{\\%} = 100 * \\frac{fees}{cost_{buy} + cost_{sell}} """ return 100 * self.fees / (self.cost_buy + self.cost_sell) @property def is_loss(self) -> bool: """Loss based on transactions. Loss if costs for *buy* higher than *sell*. Returns ------- bool :obj:`True` if loss (i.e. higher costs for *buy*) """ return (self.cost - self.fees) <= 0 @property def is_loss_at_market_price_sell(self) -> bool: # 1) check current price lower than noloss price # 2) check amount * market price + cost < 0 raise NotImplementedError()
# -------------------------------- # --------------------------------
[docs]class Fund: """Wrapper around fiat `Currency` info and computations.""" def __init__( self, currency: Currency, api: BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods, ): self.__currency = currency self.__amount: float = 0.0 self.__transactions: List[FundingTransaction] = list() self.__last_lxid: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None self.__api = api self._update() # -------------------------------- def _update(self): # query ledgers from api txs = Wallet.build_funding_transactions(self.__api, self.__last_lxid, sort=True) if not txs: return # update last txid self.__last_lxid = txs[-1].lxid # filter transactions txs = [t for t in txs if t.currency == self.__currency] known_lxids = {t.lxid for t in self.__transactions} txs = [t for t in txs if t.lxid not in known_lxids] self.__transactions.extend(txs) if txs: self.__transactions[:] = sorted( self.__transactions, key=lambda t: t.timestamp ) # update amount # NOTE: that amount from transactions and from account_balance may # differ? balances = self.__api.get_account_balance() self.__amount = balances.get(self.__currency.symbol, 0.0) @property def has_transactions(self) -> bool: """Return :obj:`True` if the :attr:`currency` has ledger entries for *deposit* and *withdrawal*. Returns ------- bool :obj:`True` if transactions exist. """ return bool(self.__transactions) # -------------------------------- @property def currency(self) -> Currency: """The fund fiat currency. Returns ------- Currency """ return self.__currency @property def amount(self) -> float: """Amount of :attr:`currency` the user has on Kraken Exchange since the last update. Returns ------- float Amount of currency. """ return self.__amount # -------------------------------- @property def amount_deposit(self) -> float: """Total amount of :attr:`currency` being deposited. Retrieved from API via ledger entries. Returns ------- float total amount of currency deposited. """ return sum( t.amount for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, DepositTransaction) ) @property def amount_withdrawal(self) -> float: """Total amount of :attr:`currency` being withdrawn. Retrieved from API via ledger entries. Returns ------- float total amount of currency withdrawn. """ return sum( t.amount for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, WithdrawalTransaction) ) @property def amount_by_transactions(self) -> float: """Total of deposited (:attr:`amount_deposit`) and withdrawn (:attr:`amount_withdrawal`) amount. Returns ------- float Amount of currency just by deposit/withdrawal transactions. Notes ----- .. math:: amount = amount_{deposit} - amount_{withdrawal} """ return self.amount_deposit - self.amount_withdrawal @property def fees_deposit(self) -> float: """Fees incurred by *deposit* transactions (ledgers). Returns ------- float total sum of fees """ txs = [t for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, DepositTransaction)] return sum([t.fees for t in txs]) @property def fees_withdrawal(self) -> float: """Fees incurred by *withdrawal* transactions (ledgers). Returns ------- float total sum of fees """ txs = [t for t in self.__transactions if isinstance(t, WithdrawalTransaction)] return sum([t.fees for t in txs]) @property def fees(self) -> float: """Total sum of fees for both *deposit* and *withdrawal* transactions. Returns ------- float total sum of fees See also -------- fees_deposit, fees_withdrawal fees_percentage """ return sum([t.fees for t in self.__transactions]) @property def fees_percentage(self) -> float: """Percentage of fees compared to amount of fiat currency. Returns ------- float fee percentage Notes ----- .. math:: fees_{\\%} = 100 * \\frac{fees}{amount_{deposit} + amount_{withdrawal}} """ return 100 * self.fees / (self.amount_deposit + self.amount_withdrawal)
# -------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Wallet: def __init__(self, api: BasicKrakenExAPI): self.api = api self._last_txid: Optional[str] = None self._last_lxid: Optional[str] = None self._assets: Dict[Currency, Asset] = dict() self._funds: Dict[Currency, Fund] = dict() # --------------------------------
[docs] def _update(self): """Update assets and funds.""" self._update_assets() self._update_funds()
[docs] def _update_assets(self): """Update internal dictionary of :class:`Asset`. If no assets exist, create an initial dictionary of assets. Check if new transactions found, then update all assets. If `_last_txid` is not :obj:`None` then query a subset of trading transactions to reduce traffic/calls. """ if not self._assets: txs = Wallet.build_trading_transactions( self.api, self._last_txid, sort=True ) if not txs: return self._last_txid = txs[-1].txid assets = Wallet.build_assets_from_api(self.api) self._assets.update({a.currency: a for a in assets}) else: txs = Wallet.build_trading_transactions( self.api, self._last_txid, sort=True ) if not txs: return self._last_txid = txs[-1].txid for asset in self._assets.values(): asset._update()
[docs] def _update_funds(self): """Update internal dictionary of :class:`Fund`. If no assets exist, create an initial dictionary of funds. Check if new funding transactions found, then update all funds. If `_last_lxid` is not :obj:`None` then query a subset of funding transactions to reduce traffic/calls. """ if not self._funds: txs = Wallet.build_funding_transactions( self.api, self._last_lxid, sort=True ) if not txs: return self._last_lxid = txs[-1].lxid funds = Wallet.build_funds_from_api(self.api) self._funds.update({a.currency: a for a in funds}) else: txs = Wallet.build_funding_transactions( self.api, self._last_lxid, sort=True ) if not txs: return self._last_lxid = txs[-1].lxid for fund in self._funds.values(): fund._update()
def _check_new_transactions(self) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError() # --------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def get_all_account_currencies( api: BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods, ) -> List[Currency]: """Retrieve a full list of currencies used on Kraken Exchange by the user. Current balance might not even show currency because sold, withdrawn or staked etc. 1. Will look for currencies by trading transactions, 2. then will look at deposit/withdrawals ledger entries, 3. **WIP** then staking/transfering ledger entries, 4. Currencies listed in current account balance. Parameters ---------- api : BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods An API object that allows querying private endpoints Returns ------- List[Currency] List of all Currencies used by trader. See also -------- get_account_crypto_currencies, get_account_fiat_currencies """ # crypto (fiat?) trades txs = Wallet.build_trading_transactions(api) crs = {t.currency_pair.base for t in txs} | {t.currency_pair.quote for t in txs} # deposits/withdrawals txs = Wallet.build_funding_transactions(api) crs |= {t.currency for t in txs} # transfers/staking # balances crs |= {Currency.find(n) for n in api.get_account_balance().keys()} return list(crs)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_account_crypto_currencies( api: BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods, ) -> List[Currency]: """Return a list of crypto currencies used by the trader. Parameters ---------- api : BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods An API instance with access to private Kraken Exchange endpoints. Returns ------- List[Currency] List of crypto currencies """ crs = Wallet.get_all_account_currencies(api) crs = [c for c in crs if not c.is_fiat] return list(crs)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_account_fiat_currencies( api: BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods, ) -> List[Currency]: """Return a list of fiat currencies used by the trader. Parameters ---------- api : BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods An API instance with access to private Kraken Exchange endpoints. Returns ------- List[Currency] List of fiat currencies """ crs = Wallet.get_all_account_currencies(api) crs = [c for c in crs if c.is_fiat] return list(crs)
[docs] @staticmethod def build_assets_from_api( api: BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods, fiat_currency: Optional[Currency] = None, ) -> List[Asset]: """Build a list of :class:`Asset` from the list of crypto currencies of the trader. Optionally set a quote currency for computations. Parameters ---------- api : BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods An API instance with access to private Kraken Exchange endpoints. fiat_currency : Optional[Currency], optional Fiat currency for asset value computations, by default None Returns ------- List[Asset] List of crypto currency assets. """ if not fiat_currency: fiat_currency = Currency.find("zeur") crs = Wallet.get_account_crypto_currencies(api) assets = [Asset(c, api, fiat_currency) for c in crs] return assets
[docs] @staticmethod def build_funds_from_api( api: BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods, ): """Build a list of :class:`Fund` from the list of fiat currencies of the trader. Parameters ---------- api : BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods An API instance with access to private Kraken Exchange endpoints. Returns ------- List[Fund] List of fiat currency funds. """ crs = Wallet.get_account_fiat_currencies(api) funds = [Fund(c, api) for c in crs] return funds
[docs] @staticmethod def build_funding_transactions( api: BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods, start: Optional[Union[int, float, str]] = None, sort: bool = True, ) -> List[FundingTransaction]: """Build a list of funding transactions based on ledger entries. Parameters ---------- api : BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods An API instance to query private Kraken Exchange endpoints start : Optional[Union[int, float, str]], optional Start timestamp or ledger LXID, by default None sort : bool, optional Whether to sort transactions by timestamp ascending, by default True Returns ------- List[FundingTransaction] List of funding transactions Raises ------ RuntimeError On unknown funding (*deposit*/*withdrawal*) transaction type. """ # query all entries funding_entries = dict() funding_entries.update(gather_ledgers(api, type="deposit", start=start)) funding_entries.update(gather_ledgers(api, type="withdrawal", start=start)) # wrap/convert transactions = list() for lxid, info in funding_entries.items(): if info["type"] == "transfer": # 'type': 'transfer', 'subtype': 'stakingfromspot' # XTZ -> XTZ.S continue params = { "currency": Currency.find(info["asset"]), "amount": info["amount"], "fees": info["fee"], "timestamp": datetime.fromtimestamp(info["time"]), "lxid": lxid, } if info["type"] == "deposit": tx: FundingTransaction = DepositTransaction(**params) elif info["type"] == "withdrawal": tx = WithdrawalTransaction(**params) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown transaction type: {info['type']}") transactions.append(tx) if sort: transactions = sorted(transactions, key=lambda t: t.timestamp) return transactions
# --------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def build_trading_transactions( api: BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods, start: Optional[Union[int, float, str]] = None, sort: bool = True, ) -> List[TradingTransaction]: """Build a list of trading transactions. Parameters ---------- api : BasicKrakenExAPIPrivateUserDataMethods An API instance to query private Kraken Exchange endpoints. start : Optional[Union[int, float, str]], optional Start unix timestamp or transaction TXID, by default None sort : bool, optional Whether to sort transactions by timestamp ascending, by default True Returns ------- List[TradingTransaction] List of trading transactions Raises ------ RuntimeError On unknown transaction type. """ # query all entries trade_entries = gather_trades(api, start=start) # wrap/convert transactions = list() for txid, info in trade_entries.items(): params = { "currency_pair": CurrencyPair.find(info["pair"]), "price": info["price"], "amount": info["vol"], "cost": info["cost"], "fees": info["fee"], "timestamp": datetime.fromtimestamp(info["time"]), "txid": txid, "otxid": info["ordertxid"], } if info["type"] == "buy": tx: TradingTransaction = CryptoBuyTransaction(**params) elif info["type"] == "sell": tx = CryptoSellTransaction(**params) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknoen transaction type: {info['type']}") transactions.append(tx) if sort: transactions = sorted(transactions, key=lambda t: t.timestamp) return transactions
# -------------------------------- # TODO: # - total value # - win/loss # - pretty printing # - export to Excel/pandas.DataFrame # -------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------